HEALTH CHECK UP Should exercise check the body? Many of you want to exercise to lose weight. But went and ran and his heart trembled Tired When I stopped running, I had a faint. Being exhausted, exhausted, and exhausted for several days Dr. ufabet has a preliminary body assessment test before exercising whether you should exercise. To reduce the risk of injury and harm from exercise:
Step 1 Check yourself whether you have these symptoms or not.
1. A tight, heavy chest in the chest with symptoms of a fracture in the neck, jaw, and arms during exertion, such as going up stairs, lifting objects, pushing stool or while exercising Or even when not exercising
2. Tired more easily than usual, gasping for breath while not exerting force. Or even with little exertion
3. Dizziness or loss of consciousness
4. Lie down and get tired Must use the method of sitting asleep In addition, the legs and ankles were edema.
5. Feeling fast, irregular, or irregular heartbeat
6. Aching pain or cramping in the calf when walking. Even a short distance
If you have any of the 6 symptoms mentioned above See your doctor for a health check to find the cause of your symptoms before exercising. Or before returning to exercise again If you stop exercising for a while If none of the above 6 symptoms are present, continue to answer the step 2 question.
Step 2 Check your current fitness.
You have exercised, such as brisk walking, running, biking, swimming, or other activities that make you feel moderately tired (Moderate Intensity Exercise), in combination with heart rate counting. The heart rate is 40-60 percent of the maximum heart rate. (The maximum heart rate is calculated by the formula 220 – age, for example, the age of 40 will be 220 – 40 = 180 beats / minute).
So 40-60 percent = 72 – 108 beats / minute with such exhaustion. Have you exercised at least 30 minutes per session, 3 days a week, during these 3 months?
Step 3 Explore the heart and circulatory system. Whether you have or Have you ever had any of these conditions?
1. Acute ischemic heart disease
2. Cardiac catheterization surgery.
Or enlargement of coronary arteries
3. Using a pacemaker (Pacemaker)
or arrhythmia
4. Heart valve disease
5. Heart failure
6. Heart replacement surgery
7. Congenital heart
disease 8. Diabetes
9. Kidney disease
Assessment in step 2 And step 3
1. Answer Yes in step 2 and there is no condition in step 3, you can exercise. But there should be a warm-up and cooldown to stretch every muscle.
2. A. Yes, in step 2 and with any condition in step 3. You can exercise at a light to moderate intensity (Light to Moderate Intensity Exercise approximately 30 – 60 percent of your maximum heart rate) if: You want to exercise harder (High Intensity Exercise) should see a doctor first.
3. A: No in step 2 and any condition in step 3 should see your doctor first.
The above is the process to reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease while exercising. In the event that you need to see a doctor After seeing a doctor. If exercising, start at a low level, about 30-40 percent of your maximum heart rate. Then adjust the heaviness according to the physical condition